Rule Definition
This algorithm is designed to be used in a case where you search for a limited number of candidates in a large set of data. If N is the set of searched elements and M the scope of elements to search, the time complexity of the method is 'O(N*M)'.
If the number of candidates becomes large, other methods exist whose complexity is 'O(N*log(M))' or even 'O(N)'. They use an associative container to store the list of possible candidates.
If the data type can only have a very limited number of values (such as 'char'), you can have another alternative with a bit set describing the values you are searching for. This is what a function tailored to 'char' might do (for instance, the C 'strpbrk' function).
Depending on the situation, you can either:
- Use 'std::find_first_of' if you find yourself in the kind of situation for which it was designed
- Use an ad-hoc specialization for small types, such as the one described in the reference
- Use an alternative with 'std::set'
- Use an alternative with 'std::unordered_set' or another hash set implementation
Violation Code Sample
Fixed Code Sample
"Jim Xochellis: find_first_of: A performance pitfall among the STL algorithms":
Related Technologies
Technical Criterion
Efficiency - Memory, Network and Disk Space Management
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