Rule Definition
The software should not have hard-coded passwords in the application code or files.
Hard-coded passwords typically create a significant security hole that allows an attacker to bypass the authentication that has been configured by the software administrator.
This hole might be difficult for the system administrator to detect. Even if detected, it can be difficult to fix, so the administrator may be forced into disabling the product entirely.
Instead of explicit database password, use OS-integrated system authentication.
Alternatively, store the password in an encrypted configuration file, and implement a mechanism enabling administrators to change the password. Ensure the file permissions are configured to restrict access to administrators only.
Specifics for .Net:
In particular, if the database supports Integrated Windows Authentication, prefer to use a Windows user over SQL user.
Configure the connection string with "Trusted_Connection=True;", or "Integrated Security=SSPI;" (or "true").
Alternatively, define the application's connection string in the web.config configuration file. Typically, this should be in the connectionString attribute of an
element, under the element.
Encrypt the configured connection strings using: aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/YourApplication"
Specifics for Java:
In particular, if the database supports Integrated Authentication or Kerberos, prefer to use this over explicit credentials for the SQL user.
If possible, configure the JDBC URL with "integratedSecurity=true;" and "authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos" .
Alternatively, define the database password and JDBC connection parameters in an encrypted configuration file, e.g. a .properties file.
Ideally, leverage the Java Application Server infrastructure to protect the database password using a specific container-provided mechanism, e.g. Oracle's Wallet, WebSphere's security.xml with CustomPasswordEncryption, or JBoss' SecureIdentityLoginModule.
Violation Code Sample
.Net sample
var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Password = "mypass"; // VIOLATION
Java sample
String urlJdbc = "jdbc:sqlserver://dbServer/appDb";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urlJdbc, "sa", "mypass"); // VIOLATION
Fixed Code Sample
.Net remediation sample
var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
//sqlUser & sqlPass read from an encrypted web.config file.
builder.Password = sqlPass; // FIXED
Java remediation sample
String urlJdbc = "jdbc:sqlserver://dbServer/appDb";
//sqlUser & sqlPass read from an encrypted .properties file.
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urlJdbc, sqlUser, sqlPass); // FIXED
CWE-547: Use of Hard-coded, Security-relevant Constants
Related Technologies
Technical Criterion
CWE-798 - Use of Hard-coded Credentials
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