Rule Definition
CoSetProxyBlanket and CoInitializeSecurity sets the authentication/permission context information that will be used to make calls on the specified proxy.
These methods are meant to be called from non-managed code such as a C++ wrapper that then invokes the managed, i.e. C# or VB.NET, code.
By the time the user code starts executing in a managed process, it's too late to reliably call CoSetProxyBlanket. The common language runtime (CLR) takes initialization actions that may prevent the users P/Invoke from succeeding.
Avoid making calls to the methods:
Violation Code Sample
static extern int CoSetProxyBlanket([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]object pProxy, uint dwAuthnSvc, uint dwAuthzSvc,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string pServerPrincName, uint dwAuthnLevel, uint dwImpLevel, IntPtr pAuthInfo,
uint dwCapabilities);
public enum RpcAuthnLevel
Default = 0,
None = 1,
Connect = 2,
Call = 3,
Pkt = 4,
PktIntegrity = 5,
PktPrivacy = 6
public enum RpcImpLevel
Default = 0,
Anonymous = 1,
Identify = 2,
Impersonate = 3,
Delegate = 4
public enum EoAuthnCap
None = 0x00,
MutualAuth = 0x01,
StaticCloaking = 0x20,
DynamicCloaking = 0x40,
AnyAuthority = 0x80,
MakeFullSIC = 0x100,
Default = 0x800,
SecureRefs = 0x02,
AccessControl = 0x04,
AppID = 0x08,
Dynamic = 0x10,
RequireFullSIC = 0x200,
AutoImpersonate = 0x400,
NoCustomMarshal = 0x2000,
DisableAAA = 0x1000
public static extern int CoInitializeSecurity(IntPtr pVoid, int cAuthSvc, IntPtr asAuthSvc, IntPtr pReserved1,
RpcAuthnLevel level, RpcImpLevel impers, IntPtr pAuthList, EoAuthnCap dwCapabilities, IntPtr pReserved3);
static void Main(string[] args)
var hres1 = CoSetProxyBlanket(null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0); // Noncompliant
var hres2 = CoInitializeSecurity(IntPtr.Zero, -1, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, RpcAuthnLevel.None,
RpcImpLevel.Impersonate, IntPtr.Zero, EoAuthnCap.None, IntPtr.Zero); // Noncompliant
Related Technologies
Technical Criterion
Secure Coding - Weak Security Features
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