Rule Definition
Be sure you trust the source of your metadata and make sure that no one has tampered with the metadata. Metadata retrieved using the HTTP protocol is sent in clear text and can be tampered with. If the service uses the HttpsGetEnabled and HttpsGetUrl properties, use the URL supplied by the service creator to download the data using the HTTPS protocol.
Ensure you trust the source of your metadata by enabling HttpsGetEnalbled and HttpsGetUrl properties
Violation Code Sample
// Create a new metadata behavior object and set its properties to
// create a secure endpoint.
ServiceMetadataBehavior sb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
sb.HttpsGetEnabled = false;
Fixed Code Sample
// Create a new metadata behavior object and set its properties to
// create a secure endpoint.
ServiceMetadataBehavior sb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
sb.HttpsGetEnabled = true;
sb.HttpsGetUrl = new Uri("https://myMachineName:8036/myEndpoint");
Related Technologies
Technical Criterion
Secure Coding - Weak Security Features
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CAST Appmarq is by far the biggest repository of data about real IT systems. It's built on thousands of analyzed applications, made of 35 different technologies, by over 300 business organizations across major verticals. It provides IT Leaders with factual key analytics to let them know if their applications are on track.